
Available API-endpoints are listed below

(They start with /api/critical-information/v1, i.e. https://test1.critical-information.hit.nhn.no/api/critical-information/v1)

URL Method Description
/ping GET Test connection to the API
/status GET The status-endpoint returns information whether the patient has registered critical health information or not,and a timestamp in UTC time when the information was last changed. A last changed timestamp for each type of critical information is also returned.
/Patient/$everything GET Read all the latest critical information records for a patient
/{resource type} GET Read all the latest critical information records for a patient for a resource type: AllergyIntolerance, DeviceUseStatement, Condition, Consent, Flag, Procedure
/{resource type}/{resource id} GET Read critical information for a patient for a specific record
/{resource type}/{resource id}/_history GET Read entire history for a specific record
/{resource type}/{resource id}/_history/1 GET Read a specific version of a record
/AllergyIntolerance/?criticalInfoType={AllergyIntolerance type} GET Read for a patient AllergyIntolerances of type: DrugReaction, OtherAllergen
/Condition/?criticalInfoType={Condition type} GET Read for a patient Conditions of type: CriticalMedicalCondition, Infection, IntubationProblem, OtherProblemWithAnesthesia, TransplantsAndOtherForeignBodies
/{resource type} POST Create a critical information record for a patient
/{resource type}/{resource id} PUT Update a critical information record for a patient
/{resource type}/{resource id} DELETE Delete a critical information record for a patient