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Sentral Forskrivningsmodul
SFM Test 2 productName
Sentral Forskrivningsmodul
The first hands on SFM
Concepts explained
HelseID for SFM
Setup of HelseID - Single tenant
Setup of HelseID - Multi tenant
Organizations and Journals in SFM
Organizations in HelseID and SFM, and the relation to an Aktør in RF
How to create a new instance in SFM
Creating/migrating different organisation types
SFM Full integration
API Usage Guidelines
Using SFM patient ticket
Integrating with the SFM client
Sequence diagrams - SFM client
Integrating with the datashare API
Sequence diagram - datashare API
Migrating data to SFM
Export data from FM
Export of data from other systems
Migration using SFM DataImporter API
Migration report
Migration data format
Organization data format
Patient data format
SFM Basis integration
SFM Basis FHIR implementation Guide (IG)
SFM Tools
SFM Test 2 productName