Organization data format

Organization data (not patient related) uses definition for the element ExportImport in the XML schema ExportImport.xsd.

The SFM migration format is based on available fields in the SFM data model. When exporting from the EPJ system it is not required to export all fields that are defined in the export definition (XSD). The Required column denotes the minimum functional requirements to migrate the data elements in addition to schema validation imposed by ExportImport.xsd.

Element in ExportImport Description Required
Brukere User information Y
Institusjon Institution configuration Y
ForskrivningsMaler Local prescription templates N
Rapporter Reports N
Protokoller Protocols N
LokaltLegemiddel Local medications N
LokaltMagistreltLegemiddel Local preparations N
LokaltKosttilskudd Local medications N
Inboks Inbox messages N

User information

Information on all users can be exported. Note that some of these users may be flagged as inactive (i.e. do not have access to EPJ), but they may have some data linked to them (such as prescriptions they have created). The following data will be exported for each user:

  • User ID (internal ID from FM)
  • Username (as defined by the EPJ system)
  • User type (Admin, Doctor, Assistant, ReadOnly, Nurse, Dentist, Helsesoster, Midwife). Can be more than one value (e.g. Admin and Doctor)
  • "Disabled" flag, i.e. user cannot open FM
  • Available demographic information:
    • Name
    • Address
  • Identities (HPR, FNR, etc. based on kodeverk 8116)
  • Healthcare profession type (from kodeverk 9060)
  • Specialities (from kodeverk 7426)
  • User configuration parameters:
    • Use ICPC or ICD-10 when registering "refusjon"
  • User privileges
    • Doctor's prescription privileges (All, not A, not A and B) -User has prescription rights (for midwifes and helsesøster)

Institution configuration

The following institution configuration parameters will be exported:

  • Name
  • StreetAddress
  • PostalCode
  • City
  • PhoneNumber
  • EnhId
  • HerId
  • RshId

Local prescrition templates

All local prescription templates can be exported, except for those who have been marked as deleted.

  • Template name
  • Owning user or institution
  • Prescription template data (represented by a ReseptDokLegemiddel/ReseptDokHandelsvare data structure from the M1 definition)
  • Diagnosis code (indikasjon) ICD10/ICPC
  • Flag to indicate if generic substitution is allowed or not
  • Reason for not allowing generic substitution
  • "Forholdsregel ved inntak"


All reports successfully generated and persisted in the EPJ reporting module can be exported. These will be converted to XPS documents and exported along with the following metadata:

  • User who created the report
  • Patient id (for patient specific reports)
  • Date/time when created
  • Report title
  • Institution
  • A reference (file path) to the exported XPS file


All protocols can be exported. These can either be registered as private for a specific user or an organizational unit (organization, department, etc.). As the organizational information is not exported, these will instead be linked to the institution. The following data will be exported for each protocol:

  • Protocol name and description
  • User who created
  • Create date/time
  • Owning user or institution
  • Treatment phase ("Behandlingsfase") (from kodeverk 7473)
  • Caution ("Forsiktighetsregel") (from kodeverk 7476)
  • Dose by (weight, age, etc.) (from kodeverk 9080)
  • Diagnosis code (from kodeverk 7110 or 7170)
  • A list of the prescription templates used in the protocol

Local medications

All locally created medications and nutritions ("uregistrert") can be exported.


  • Active ingredient (name or a reference to FEST)
  • ATC code
  • Strength (amount and unit from kodeverk 9090)
  • Strength denominator (amount and unit from kodeverk 7452)
  • Form (from kodeverk 7448)
  • Dose unit (from kodeverk 7452)
  • Group ("reseptgruppe")
  • Indication (freetext)
  • Usage ("bruksområde", freetext)
  • Simplified dosing ("forenklet doseringsveildening", freetext)
  • Producer
  • Create date/time
  • Preparation type (kodeverk 7424)
  • Active/deleted flag
  • Owning institution or user

Local preparations

All local preparations can be exported. For each preparation, the following data is exported:

  • Name
  • Instructions
  • Date/time created
  • Package size (amount and unit from kodeverk 7452)
  • Form (from kodeverk 7448)
  • Active flag
  • Owning user or institution
  • Preparation type, one the following values
    • V = "1", DN = "", OT = "Enkel blanding"
    • V = "2", DN = "PAR-NUT", OT = "PN Parenteral ernæringsblanding"
    • V = "3", DN = "PAR-SME", OT = "PS Parenteral smerteblanding"
    • V = "4", DN = "PAR-ANT", OT = "PA Parenteral antibiotikablanding"
    • V = "5", DN = "PAR-CYT", OT = "PC Parenteral cytostatikablanding"
    • V = "6", DN = "", OT = "Blanding med tilleggsinformasjon"
  • For each ingredient:
    • Name
    • Amount (with unit from kodeverk )
    • Optionally, a reference to a Virkestoff, LegemiddelMerkevare, LegemiddelVirkestoff, Legemiddelpakning or a local medication. Ingredients may also be specified with just a name ("free-text")
    • Active ingredient/"hjelpestoff" flag
    • Ad flag
    • Qs flag
    • "Reseptgruppe" (from kodeverk 7421)
    • Strength value

Inbox messages

All messages from the doctors' inboxes that have not been marked as read, should be exported. The following data will be exported for each inbox message:

  • User Id of the doctor
  • Sender name
  • Message type:
    • 1: Utleveringsrapport til rekvirent
    • 2: Resept er blitt slettet
    • 3: Utleveringsrapport til fastlege
    • 4: Helfo søknadssvar til rekvirent
    • 5: SvarSLV til rekvirent
    • 6: Oppdatering av FEST har feilet
    • 7: Korrespondanse mottatt fra EPJ
    • 8: Resept har utløpt i signeringskøen
    • 9: Tilbakekalling av resept har utløpt i signeringskøen
    • 10: Utleveringsrapport med intervensjon til rekvirent
    • 11: Utleveringsrapport med intervensjon til fastlege
    • 12: Medarbeider har laget/registrert resept for pasient
    • 13: Apotek har levert ut legemiddel som ikke finnes i FEST
    • 14: Apotek har levert ut legemiddel som ikke finnes i FEST
    • 15: FEST oppdatert
    • 16: Feil ved nedlastning av referansenumre fra RF
    • 17: Varsel fra Legemiddelverket
    • 18: Lege har resepter som må sendes/skrives ut
    • 19: Medarbeider har skrevet ut resept(er)
    • 20: Feil ved signering og sending av resept
    • 21: Melding om endring av multidoseansvarlig lege
    • 22: Spørremelding fra apotek er mottatt
    • 23: Ny FM version installert
    • 24: Apotek har besvart legekommentar på LIB-element
    • 25: To pasienter ble slått sammen
    • 26: Sykepleier har laget/registrert resept for pasient
    • 27: Varsel fra Legemiddelverket
    • 28: Noen eller alle av de eldre backup filene ble ikke fjernet i løpet av database backup
    • 29: Pasienten har oppdatert informasjon i Reseptformidleren. Gjør nytt oppslag i Reseptformidleren for oppdatert informasjon
    • 30: Pasientens Legemiddelliste (PLL)
    • 31: Feil ved sending av «Verify» melding til RF
    • 32: Manglende driftsleverandør informasjon
  • Date/time created
  • PatientId (if this is a patient-specific message)
  • PrescriptionId (if related to a prescription)
  • DocumentId (if related to a received document, e.g. M12)
  • Message text