Person API

The Person API provides information on norwegian citizens for the norwegian public health sector. The API is maintained by Norsk helsenett.

Data in the API is compiled from different sources, but the main source of information is the National Population Register ("Folkeregisteret"). The information model in the Person API is a superset of the information model used by the National Population Register. More information on the information model used by the National Population Register is available in norwegian here: Folkeregisterets informasjonsmodell

See translations for a list of translations from norwegian terms used in the National Population Register to english terms used in the Person API.

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OpenAPI specification

See Person API


See Versioning


See Changelog

Synthetic test data

Data in our test environment is using synthetic test data coming from the Synthetic National Register. To browse the data available, you can log in using ID-porten at Testnorge

Authentication and authorization

This API uses HelseID for authentication and authorization. To use the API you will need to have a valid HelseID token with a valid scope. Access to the Person API can be requested in the HelseID self service portal.

There are two scopes available to consume resources from the Person API:

  • ReadWithLegalBasis | Scope: nhn:hgd-persontjenesten-api/read-with-legal-basis

    This scope provides read access to information in the authorization bundle "public with legal basis" (aka statutory authority).

    For version 0.5 name was nhn:hgd-persontjenesten-api/read

  • ReadNoLegalBasis | Scope: nhn:hgd-persontjenesten-api/read-no-legal-basis

    This scope provides read access to information in the public bundle "public without legal basis".

Code samples

Code samples of an API client which exchanges a valid token from HelseID and make requests to the Person API, can be found here:

Disclaimer: These samples are not actively maintained, and should be used as inspiration and not production ready implementations.