Events from the Person API
This page includes a list of all event types in the Person API and a brief description of each one. The event types are mainly based on the event types we consume from the National Population Register ("Folkeregisteret"), but since the Person API also includes data from other sources, some event types have been added by us and are unique to the Person API. The event list contains a reference to the event type in FREG in the cases where something has been directly translated.
We'll strive to keep this page up to date, but if you see something missing let us know at
Throughout this page we'll use the following abbreviations to make the documentation more concise:
- FREG: The National Population Register ("Folkeregisteret")
- PREG: Personregisteret. The existing service from NHN which serves information on norwegian citizens, which is currently being phased out.
- NIN: Norwegian identification number ("Fødsels- eller D-nummer"). Refers to any norwegian identification number, both f-numbers and d-numbers.
- AIN: Alternate identification number. Refers to an identification number which is created on-demand when a person can't be identified with a NIN. Alternate identification numbers are created by the "Felles Hjelpenummer" service, which is a part of PREG.
- Entry: The registered entry for a person in the Person API or FREG, which contains the most recent person document
For a more comprehensive list of translations from terms used in FREG to terms used in the Person API, see translations
The Person API has the following categories of events
- Creation of a person
- Change in person status
- Change in personal information
- Events for alternate identification numbers
- Correction of a person
Creation of a person
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
PersonIsCreated | PersonErOpprettet | A new entry for a person is created. |
PersonPopulated | A new entry for a person was created in the Person API by the initial, eventless initialization of the API, also known as "zero day". |
Change in person status
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
PersonIsResident | PersonErBosatt | A person is registered as a norwegian resident. |
PersonIsDeceased | PersonErDoed | A person is registered as deceased. |
PersonIsEmigrated | PersonErUtflyttet | A person is registered as emigrated. |
Change in personal information
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
PersonIsUpdated | PersonErOppdatert | Data for a person is changed by an automated job in FREG. The Person API will additionally detect any changes to any information element on the person document, and generate events for each changed element. |
ChangeInStatus | EndringIStatus | Data in the Status information element has changed |
ChangeInIdentityVerification | EndringIIdentitetsgrunnlag | Data in the IdentityVerification information element has changed |
ChangeInForeignPersonIdentificationNumber | EndringIUtenlandskPersonidentifikasjon | Data in the ForeignPersonIdentificationNumber information element has changed |
ChangeInImmigrationAuthoritiesIdentificationNumber | EndringIUtlendingsmyndighetenesIdentifikasjonsnummer | Data in the ImmigrationAuthoritiesIdentificationNumber information element has changed |
ChangeInIdentificationDocument | EndringILegitimasjonsdokument | Data in the IdentificationDocument information element has changed |
ChangeInNorwegianIdentificationNumber | EndringIIdentifikasjonsnummer | Data in the NorwegianIdentificationNumber information element has changed |
ChangeInFalseIdentity | EndringIFalskIdentitet | Data in the FalseIdentity information element has changed |
ChangeInResiduaryEstateContactInformation | EndringIKontaktopplysningerForDoedsbo | Data in the ResiduaryEstateContactInformation information element has changed |
ChangeInSharedResidence | EndringIDeltBosted | Data in the SharedResidence information element has changed |
ChangeInBirth | EndringIFoedsel | Data in the Birth information element has changed |
ChangeInBirthInNorway | EndringIFoedselINorge | Data in the BirthInNorway information element has changed |
ChangeInGender | EndringIKjoenn | Data in the Gender information element has changed |
ChangeInFamilyRelation | EndringIFamilierelasjon | Data in the FamilyRelation information element has changed |
ChangeInMaritalStatus | EndringISivilstand | Data in the MaritalStatus information element has changed |
ChangeInDeath | EndringIDoedsfall | Data in the Death information element has changed |
ChangeInName | EndringINavn | Data in the Name information element has changed |
ChangeInAddressProtection | EndringIAdressebeskyttelse | Data in the AddressProtection information element has changed |
ChangeInResidentialAddress | EndringIBostedsadresse EndringIBostedsadresseUtenFlytting EndringIBostedsadresseVedKommuneregulering |
Data in the ResidentialAddress information element has changed |
ChangeInPresentAddress | EndringIOppholdsadresse | Data in the PresentAddress information element has changed |
ChangeInImmigrationToNorway | EndringIInnflytting | Data in the ImmigrationToNorway information element has changed |
ChangeInEmigrationFromNorway | EndringIUtflytting | Data in the EmigrationFromNorway information element has changed |
ChangeInUseOfSamiLanguage | EndringIBrukAvSamiskSpraak | Data in the UseOfSamiLanguage information element has changed |
ChangeInSamiParliamentElectoralRegistryStatus | EndringISametingetsValgmanntall | Data in the SamiParliamentElectoralRegistryStatus information element has changed |
ChangeInContactinformation | EndringIKontaktinformasjon | Data in the Contactinformation information element has changed |
ChangeInParentalResponsibility | EndringIForeldreansvar | Data in the ParentalResponsibility information element has changed |
ChangeInCitizenship | EndringIStatsborgerskap | Data in the Citizenship information element has changed/CitizenshipRetention |
ChangeInResidency | EndringIOpphold | Data in the ResidencePermit information element has changed |
ChangeInResidencyOnSvalbard | EndringIOppholdPaaSvalbard | Data in the StayOnSvalbard information element has changed |
ChangeInGuardianship | EndringIVergemaal | Data in the GuardianshipOrFuturePowerOfAttorney information element has changed |
ChangeInPostalAddress | EndringIKontaktinformasjon | Data in the PostalAddress information element has changed |
ChangeInForeignPostalAddress | EndringIKontaktinformasjon | Data in the ForeignPostalAddress information element has changed |
ChangeInDeprivedLegalAuthority | EndringIFratattRettsligHandleevne | Data in the DeprivedLegalAuthority information element has changed |
Events for persons with alternate identification numbers
Events for persons imported from the Felles Hjelpenummer service in Personregisteret (PREG) are kept separate from events originating from FREG. The main motivation for doing this is because not all our consumers are interested in these, so having separate event types for these persons makes them easier to filter out when consuming the Person API event feed.
Event type | Description |
CreatedAlternateIdentificationNumber | A new entry in the Person API is created from an imported alternate identification number |
UpdatedAlternateIdentificationNumber | Information for an entry with an alternate identification number is updated |
Correction of a person
General correction events
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
PersonCorrected | Data for a person is corrected in the Person API, without changes to data in FREG. | |
PersonIsDiscontinued | PersonErOpphoert | An entry for a person is registered as discontinued. The entry itself is not deleted, but the person can no longer be looked up by NIN in the Person API. |
PersonIsReactivated | PersonErReaktivert | Reactivate a previously discontinued or deceased person in the registry. |
Merge entries
When there are two entries in FREG that turns out to be for the same person, information is consolidated into one entry, and this entry is marked as "continued", and the other entry is marked as "discontinued as duplicate". Identification number(s) from the discontinued entry are transferred to the continued entry and listed as historic identifiers. Looking up the transferred identifiers will return the person document for the continued entry. Events are sent for both the continued and discontinued entries.
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
PersonIsContinuedAsValidUponMerger | PersonErViderefoertSomGjeldendeVedSammenslaaing | Event sent for the continued entry when two entries are merged together |
PersonIsDiscontinuedAsDuplicate | PersonErOpphoertSomDublett | Event sent for the discontinued entry when two entries are merged together. |
Split entry
When there is one entry in FREG that turns out to be two separate persons, some information is taken from the pre-existing entry and transferred to a separate, restored entry. A historic identifier is removed from the pre-existing entry, and set as the valid identifier for the restored entry. Events are sent out for both the pre-existing entry and the restored entry.
Cases like this should be very rare, but it can happen in cases where two entries were previously merged together because it was assumed to be the same person, but it turned out to be two separate persons after all.
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
PersonIsChangedBySplitting | PersonErEndretVedSplitting | Event sent for the pre-existing entry when an entry is split. |
PersonIsRestoredBySplitting | PersonErGjenopprettetVedSplitting | Event sent for the restored entry when an entry is split into two. |
Event type | FREG event type | Description |
ChangeInPerson | EndringIPerson | Undocumented event type from FREG. |
Unknown | Should not be sent to consumers of the Person API. If this event type is sent it was the result of an error and should be reported. |