Patient Health Records API
The Patients Health Records API gives healthcare personell and residents in Norway access to healthcare documents across enterprises.
The API is maintained by Norsk helsenett.
Send feedback and questions to our Slack channel #ext-nhn-pasientens-journaldokumenter. Send en e-mail to, and ask to get access to our channel.
OpenAPI specification
See Patient Health Records API
See Versioning
See Changelog
Authentication and authorization
This API uses HelseID for authentication and authorization. To use the API you will need to have a valid HelseID token with a valid scope.
There are three scopes available to consume document resources from the Patient Health Records API:
ReadDocumentReferences (Helsepersonelloven p. 45) | Scope:
This scope provides read access to document references according to ITI-67 transaction in IHE.MHD profile
ReadDocumentReferences (Kjernejournalforskriften) | Scope:
This scope provides read access to document references according to ITI-67 transaction in IHE.MHD profile. Requires header parameter for access basis.
ReadDocument | Scope:
This scope provides read access to document according to ITI-68 transaction in IHE.MHD profile
Integrating using the SOAP API
Integrations using the SOAP-API directly are not supported by Norsk helsenett. Integrations not using the REST-API needs to go through Kjernejournal Portal. Document consumers need to be logged on using HelseID to gain access to the "Journaldokumenter" tab in Kjernejournal.
See Kjernejournal Documentation for details 🡕