Client API

These APIs allow for client systems to create HelseID clients, and for HelseID clients to inspect and update themselves programmatically with minimal user interaction.

Client Creation

HelseID requires each local installation of a client system to use their own HelseID client. The creation of the client can be done automatically through this API, instead of the user having to navigate Selvbetjening by themselves.

Multi-tenant and other single-installation systems cannot use this API, as they automatically get a client packaged with their client system, and cannot create more.

See Client Creation for how to use this API.

Client introspection and updating

All HelseID clients registered in Selvbetjening (through API or portal) can inspect themselves, update their key pair, and update their API scope accesses.

see Swagger and our example C# implementation on GitHub for how to use this API.