
Test patients

We recommend using synthetic patient-NINs (fødselsnummer) from SyntPop.

Important: Before creating a maternity record, the pregnant woman must give her consent to participate in the trial to share maternity record information.

Test patients with consent and data

NIN Name
16660184655 Lise Nilsen
29760484634 Zofia Helene Adamski

The pregnant woman must provide her consent on Helsenorge.no. Take contact on Slack for the link to Helsenorge in test.

Here's how to give consent on Helsenorge.no:

  1. (Optional) Select language: Bokmål - Nynorsk - English
  2. Click 'Next' after reviewing the information.
  3. Under "How will you use Helsenorge?" select 'Full' and click 'Next'.
  4. Confirm your consent by clicking 'Confirm consent'.
  5. In the menu under 'name', go to 'Profile and settings' and then click 'Privacy settings'.
  6. Under 'Services and information that you and healthcare professionals have access to', click 'change settings'.
  7. Go to 'Utprøving av digitalt helsekort for gravide'.
  8. Expand 'Samtykke til å delta i utprøving av digitalt helsekort for gravide'.
  9. Check the box that states: 'Du gir nå ditt samtykke til å delta i utprøvingen av digitalt helsekort for gravide. Du kan når som helst trekke samtykket hvis du ombestemmer deg på et senere tidspunkt.'
  10. Click 'I give my consent'.
  11. Click 'OK' in the modal dialog.

The pregnant woman can revoke her consent on Helsenorge.no in the 'Profile and settings' menu by following the same steps as above.

Test healthcare professionals

We recommend using synthetic healthcare professionals from SyntPop with a HPR authorization.

Test healthcare organizations

No requirements for healthcare organizations - we use the legal entity and the point of care from the HelseID access token.