KjFlag profile
The KjFlag profile is used for registration of other procedural changes the patient has.
Profile elements
Note that for all FHIR elements which has coding, e.g. code.coding and category.coding, we want coding.display to always be set for completeness sake as well as coding.code and coding.system.
Element | Norwegian Text | Description | Comment |
id | Record id. | Id + meta.versionId is the unique identifier. | |
meta.versionId | Record version id. | ||
status | See below | Used for Status, see below. | Values can be active | inactive | entered-in-error |
category.coding.code | Annen prosedyreendring | 9=Annen prosedyreendring | Type of critical information. |
code.coding | Type prosedyreendring | Clinical code for the procedural changes. | |
code.text | Spesifisering | Text if no proper code is found. | |
subject | Pasient | Who is flag about. | |
author | Hvem som gjorde første registrering | Who recorded this resource first. Must always reference the original recorder of the resource. | Use PractitionerRole contained reference. |
extension.updater | Hvem som gjorde endring | Who changed this version of the resource. | Use PractitionerRole contained reference. |
extension.updatedDateTime | Tidspunkt endring | When this version of the resource was changed. | |
period | Gyldig til | Time period when flag is active. | The registration should be displayed as inactive if its period has expired (period.end is today or in the past). |
extension.note | Kommentar | Note. |
The status which the critical information record is in.
Status | Norwegian Text | Element Values | Comment |
Active | Aktiv | status=active | Use when the registration is active. |
Refuted | Avkreftet | status=inactive | Use when the registration is refuted. |
Deleted | Slettet | status=entered-in-error | When an erroneous registration. Use the REST delete endpoint. |
Inactive | Inaktiv | Not applicable | Not applicable. |
"resourceType": "Flag",
"id": "1b736f6c-05f6-4742-82d5-439f0cd7f60d",
"meta": {
"versionId": "1",
"lastUpdated": "2021-03-14T12:38:27.478+01:00",
"profile": [ "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjFlag" ]
"contained": [ {
"resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
"id": "recorderRef",
"practitioner": {
"identifier": {
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
"value": "222200063"
"display": "Fos Perez, Jack"
"organization": {
"identifier": {
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
"value": "100100223"
"display": "Andeby Legevakt"
"code": [ {
"coding": [ {
"system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/CategoriesOfHealthProfessionals",
"code": "LE",
"display": "Lege"
} ]
} ]
} ],
"extension": [ {
"url": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjText",
"valueString": "Pasienten har en religiøs overbevisning"
} ],
"status": "active",
"category": [ {
"coding": [ {
"system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/SubcategoriesOfCriticalInformation",
"code": "9",
"display": "Annen prosedyreendring"
} ]
} ],
"code": {
"coding": [ {
"system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/OtherProceduralChanges",
"code": "1",
"display": "Pasienten har reservert seg mot blodtransfusjon/blodprodukter"
} ]
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/13116900216"
"period": {
"start": "2021-03-14T12:38:27+01:00"
"author": {
"reference": "#recorderRef"