Error Handling
In the event that the critical-information API returns an error, the response body will contain a error message in JSON format in accordance with the OperationOutcome FHIR standard.
We're also sending all error codes in the response header nhn-error-code
(see below).
You can use this header if you're only interested in the error code to avoid parsing the response body.
When error response the HTTP status will be in the range 3xx-5xx. An exception is that the API returns 410 when doing a GET request on a deleted resource, which is in accordance with the FHIR standard.
When ok response the HTTP status will be in the 2xx range.
The error code, and other details, can also be found in OperationOutcome.issue.details.coding by searching for the relevant coding system shown in the example below.
The error message can be found in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics, and the event ID for the request in
The FHIR path in which the error occured is in OperationOutcome.issue.location. It may be empty.
Example of a error response body returned from the API:
"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
"id": "c65f8f64-2c9c-4624-a4f0-3dbc4bde3300",
"issue": [
"severity": "fatal",
"code": "invariant",
"diagnostics": "Invalid element content - max: 500",
"location": [
"details": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "KI-0014"
"system": "",
"code": "KI-0014"
"system": "",
"code": "v1"
"system": "",
"code": "8527aa3a"
"system": "",
"code": "test1"
"system": "",
"code": "critical-information"
Error Codes
As mentioned above we're sending all error codes in the response header nhn-error-code
. Error codes has prefix "KI" (capital i).
In order to support Kjernejournal backwards compatibility we've kept some of
the old error codes (prefix KJF).
We're also sending all error codes in the response header X-KJ-Feilkode
to keep backwards compatibility.
Other Kjernejournal error codes which are not listed below are no longer in use for critical-information.
Note that both the old Kjernejournal error codes and response header will be phased out in future API-versions.
For errors related to authorization go here.
Error code | Error code KJ legacy | Cause |
KI-0001 | KI-0001 | Failure during init of application. |
KI-0002 | KI-0002 | Something failed in a scheduled job. |
KI-0003 | KI-0003 | Migrating data from KJ classic failed. |
KI-0004 | KI-0004 | Something went wrong when communicating with Kafka. |
KI-0005 | KI-0005 | A batch job failed. |
KI-0006 | KI-0006 | Internal technical error. |
KI-0007 | KI-0007 | Some part of the http request is invalid like e.g. the body. See error message for details. |
KI-0008 | KI-0008 | Failed to merge patient nins. |
KI-0009 | KI-0009 | An error related to id-mapping. |
KI-0010 | KI-0010 | The patient nin in the FHIR resource does not match the patient nin in the header. |
KI-0011 | KI-0011 | Updating an old version of a Critical Information record is not allowed. |
KI-0012 | KI-0012 | The operation is not implemented. See error message for details. |
KI-0013 | KI-0013 | No changes were detected in the update. |
KI-0014 | KI-0014 | A field in the FHIR profile is invalid. See error message for details. |
KI-0015 | KI-0015 | The requested Critical Information record does not exist. |
KI-0016 | KI-0016 | A business rule was violated. See error message for details. |
KI-0017 | KI-0017 | The user does not have access to the requested endpoint. See error message for details. |
KI-0018 | KJF-000352 | The user tried to lookup a patient but has been blocked by the patient (blokkering). |
KI-0019 | KJF-000179 | The user is requesting access to data that the patient has set restricted access to (sperring). |