Migration data to SFM


SFM Migration handles the preparation needed when a customer with an exising journal solution start using SFM. Typically will this be replacing an existing medication module with the SFM solution. The purpuose of Migration is to import relevant data into the SFM system.

What data are subjec to Migration?

That is a difficult question and the answer depends on factors as:

  • are historical data available in the hosting system?
  • has the original system alredy been using e-resept?

The important thing is to fullfil the legal documentation obligations, as well as having a practically usable solution for the customer.

Alternative migration methods

  • FM: The previous medication module (FM) has been exended with encrypde, file based export suitable for SFM import. The FM installation must be upgraded to a version supporting this if not alredy done. A dedicatad file uploader is available for upload to SFM migration API.
  • Third party EHR may export to the same (FM) format and use the SFM uploader.
  • Third party EHR may upload directly to the SFM migration API

See following pages for detals