Setup of Organizations and Journals
Enhetsregisteret ( contains information about all organizations and sub-organizations in Norway, including information about Organisasjonsnummer ( that identifies each organization and sub-organization.
HelseID is closely related to Enhetsregisteret. When a user from one specific organization log into the EPJ, it is the from Enhetsregisteret that gives you access to the correct SFM-Journal. The is communicated using HelseID.
However, the structure of Enhetsregisteret is not necessarily representative of what "journals" that the organization needs. For example, often two GP offices share a journal (Journalsamarbeid), or a municipality may have a sub-organization (i.e. Fengselstjenesten) where there is a need for a separate Journal that do not share data with other entities in the municipality (see different examples below for details).
The organizations themselves are responsible for ensuring the right setup of "journals" for their needs, as well as any legal documents that have to be in place to be able to share data.
Additionally, this is closely related to how the EPJ in general relates to the concept of "journal" and data sharing for different organizations/customers (tenants) in their solution.
For complex organizations (such as Municipalities) we recommend a thorough assessment of the setup before starting to write organizations to SFM in test. As a small tool we offer an excelsheet for the organizations to fill inn, to start the thought process of establishing the right organizations and Journals in SFM. We strongly recommend to set up a similar structure in the test environment as you wish to have in production.
Below is a list of examples of organizations and possible setups.
Single Journal for a general practitioner's office
A very common case is a general practitioner's office that in most cases have a single separate journal.
In some cases more than one GP Office cooperate and have legal documents to share a Journal. In these cases the organizations are created in the same Journal (installation) and the data is shared between the organizations.
Complex organizational structures / Municipalities
In a municipality, there is often a more complex structure and different requirements/needs for the Journal.
A municipality may have several sub-organizations where there is a need for some of them to share a Journal, and for some of them to have a separat Journal. In the example below:
- The two "kommunale fastlegekontor" are sharing a Journal and they are therefore created in the same installation
- "Fengselstjenesten" has a need for a separat journal and is therefore created in its own installation.
- "Sykehjem" may also want their own Journal in some cases.
- "Hjemmetjenesten" may have several sub-organizations, where all should share data in a joint Journal.
The organizations themselves are responsible for ensuring the right setup of "journals" for their needs, as well as any legal documents that have to be in place to be able to share data.