Feilkoder i bruk

Når Kjernejournal eller Helsenorge mottar en feil, er dette en kode i form av en errorCode. Kodene tar utgangspunkt i IHE standarden.

Feltene som sier noe om feilen er errorCode og codeContext. CodeContext er et fritekst-felt, og brukes bl.a. til loggoppfølgining (ikke til validering/mapping) RegistryError Element 🡕

(Feilkodene er hentet fra logguttrekk i XCA-logg i tidsperioden okt.2021-nov.2023)


Om det oppstår feil vil XCA-tjenesten og Tilganglogg APIet returnere en liste over lokasjoner det oppstod feil i.

På Helsenorges Pasientjournal-løsning ligger OIDene i konfigurasjonen. De brukes til å logge hvilket RHF eller HF feilen oppstod i.

Mer om feilkoder i Helsenorge 🡕


Kjernejournal har en mapping fra errorCode til er mer brukervennlig beskrivelse. Lokasjonen for feilen er inkludert i alle beskrivelsene.

Oppdatert 26.10.23

errorCode KJ Beskrivelse
XDSUnavailableCommunity Ingen kontakt med kilde.
XDSRegistryError Ingen tilgang til dokument fra kilde.
XDSForbiddenAccess Ingen tilgang til dokument fra kilde.
XDSDocumentuUniqueIdError Kunne ikke hentet dokument fordi dokumentet er for stort.
XDSRepositoryOutOfResources Teknisk feil

Kjernejournal har også en feilmelding som vises når virksomheten ikke har bestilt tjenesten.


Helse Nord

errorCode IHE Standard IHE Beskrivelse codeContext
XDSDocumentUniqueIdError Ja The document associated with the uniqueId is not available. This could be because the document is not available, the requestor is not authorized to access that document or the document is no longer available. Document could not be found in repository
XDSForbiddenAccess Nei   Access Denied from homecommunityID 2.16.578.
XDSRegistryError Ja

Internal Error

The error codes XDSRegistryError or XDSRepositoryError shall be returned if and only if a more detailed code is not available from this table for the condition being reported.

If one of these error codes is returned, the attribute codeContext shall contain details of the error condition that may be implementation-specific

A Cross Gateway Query fails because the XDS with homecommunityID 2.16.578. only accept selected HPR during pilot
Error doing registrycall, DIPS returned status code: InternalServerError
Error doing registrycall, DIPS returned status code: ServiceUnavailable
Error doing repositorycall, DIPS returned status code: InternalServerError
Error doing repositorycall, DIPS returned status code: ServiceUnavailable
Error in service
Error registry call (DIPS endpoint)
InternalError One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred while sending the request.))
InternalError One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.))
Timeout doing registry call (API Gateway)
Timeout doing registry call (XCA)
Timeout doing registry call (internal STS)
Timeout doing registry call(DIPS endpoint)
Timeout doing repository call(DIPS endpoint)
XDSRepositoryError Ja AuthnFailed
Could not resolve document content
Could not retrieve rtf document
Error doing repositorycall, DIPS returned status code: InternalServerError
Error doing repositorycall, DIPS returned status code: ServiceUnavailable
Error repository call (DIPS endpoint)
Timeout doing repository call (XCA)
Timeout doing repository call(DIPS endpoint)
Unknown error
XDSRepositoryOutOfResources Ja Resources are low. Out of resources: Out of memory
XDSUnavailableCommunity Ja A community which would have been contacted was not available. See Note 2. Cannot retrieve from target domain 2.16.578.

Helse Sør-øst

ErrorCode IHE Standard IHE Beskrivelse CodeContext
XDSDocumentUniqueIdError Ja The document associated with the uniqueId is not available. This could be because the document is not available, the requestor is not authorized to access that document or the document is no longer available. Could not retrieve document, because the message is to large
XDSForbiddenAccess Nei   Cannot retrieve from target domain
XDSRegistryError Ja

Internal Error

The error codes XDSRegistryError or XDSRepositoryError shall be returned if and only if a more detailed code is not available from this table for the condition being reported.

If one of these error codes is returned, the attribute codeContext shall contain details of the error condition that may be implementation-specific

Exception querying Query endpoint
Token validation failed
Unknown error
XDSRepositoryError Ja Document retrieve failed, because the XDS OUS_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS SUNNAAS_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Exception querying Retrieve endpoint
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS STHF_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS MHH_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS SOHF_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS SIHF_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS AHUS_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS SIVHF_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS SSHF_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS VVHF_EPJ with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
Document retrieve failed, because the XDS with repositoryUniqueId 2.16.578. could not be contacted.
XDSRepresentationBelowMinimumAgeError Nei   Access denied, this person is between 0 and 16 years old.
Access denied, this person is between 12 and 16 years old.
Ikke gammel nok
Age requirement validation failed
XDSUnavailableCommunity Ja A community which would have been contacted was not available. See Note 2. Cannot retrieve from target domain

Helse Vest


IHE standard

IHE Beskrivelse


XDSDocumentUniqueIdError Ja The document associated with the uniqueId is not available. This could be because the document is not available, the requestor is not authorized to access that document or the document is no longer available. Document could not be found in repository
XDSRegistryError Ja

Internal Error

The error codes XDSRegistryError or XDSRepositoryError shall be returned if and only if a more detailed code is not available from this table for the condition being reported.

If one of these error codes is returned, the attribute codeContext shall contain details of the error condition that may be implementation-specific

Error doing registrycall, DIPS returned status code: InternalServerError
Error doing registrycall, DIPS returned status code: ServiceUnavailable
Error doing repositorycall, DIPS returned status code: InternalServerError
Error doing repositorycall, DIPS returned status code: ServiceUnavailable
Error in service
InternalError One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.))
InternalError One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred while sending the request.))
InternalError One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.))
Invalid Representation - Age requirement validation failed
Invalid Representation - Missing
Timeout doing registry call (XCA)
Timeout doing repository call (XCA)
Timeout doing repository call(DIPS endpoint)
XDSRepositoryError Ja Could not resolve document content
Could not retrieve rtf document
Unknown error
XDSRepositoryOutOfResources Ja Resources are low.  
XDSRepresentationBelowMinimumAgeError Nei   Age requirement validation failed
XDSUnavailableCommunity Nei A community which would have been contacted was not available. See Note 2. Cannot retrieve from target domain 2.16.578.

Note 2:

Two examples of the use of error code XDSUnavailableCommunity are:

1. A Cross Gateway Query, Cross Gateway Retrieve or Cross Gateway Document Set Provide fails because the community identified by a homeCommunityId could not be contacted.

2. A Cross Gateway Query based on Patient ID could not contact some known communities to relay the query.

The error would be generated by the Initiating Gateway and returned in the Registry Stored Query [ITI-18] or Retrieve Document Set [ITI-43] transaction. This would only apply when XDS Affinity Domain Option was used.

The ‘XDS Metadata Update’ and ‘Remove Metadata and Documents’ Trial Implementation Supplements add error codes to this table.