SAML- security token

each value in SAML has certain source. This document focus is trying to identify source of these elements i SAML-token, provided by HelseID SAML service in Norsk helsenett

There are following sources to information, published in SAML

  • "saml_claim", provided in request to SAML-endpoint provided by requestor who transforms JWT to SAML
  • "claim", provided in JWT security token by HelseID service which provided by service consumer and token is forwarded unchanged as header to SAML-endpoint
  • "claim_assertion" in JWT security token, provided by service consumer to HelseID end user known as "helsepersonellets attest"

There are 3 versions mentioned:
1.0 - Version "1.0" of SAML-specification, used in norwegian document exchange, defined by Direktoratet for e-helse (deprecated)
2.0 - Version "2.0" of SAML-specification, reflecting neccessary changes to SAML-security token while incorporating "helsepersonellets attest" (resource attest statement)
2.1 - Version "2.1" of SAML-specification, minor adjustment of version "2.0"

There might be several sources for information provided in SAML-security token

source claim/attribute (OAuth token) claim/attribute (SAML Token) Version CodeSystem Description
SUBJECT Practitioner
claim_assertion helseid://claims/identity/pid urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:subject-id 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's full name
claim_assertion helseid://claims/identity/pid urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's full name
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:hpr_nr urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:2.0:subject:npi 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's national proffesion identifier
claim_assertion helseid://claims/hpr/hpr_number urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:npi 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's national proffesion identifier
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:authorization urn:ihe:iti:xua:2017:subject:provider-identifier 1.0 2.0 HL7 v3 II Requestor's national proffesion identifier (HL7v3)
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:authorization urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:role 1.0 HL7 v3 CE Type of practitioner's role
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:authorization urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:subject:role 2.0 HL7 v3 CE Type of practitioner's role
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:legal_entity urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:organization-id 1.0 2.0 HL7 v3 II Requestor's organization identifier
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:organization 1.0 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's organization name
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:point_of_care urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:child-organization 2.0 HL7 v2.5 II Requestor's child-organization id
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:point_of_care urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:subject:child-organization-name 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's child-organization name
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:department urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:facility 2.0 HL7 v2.5 II Requestor's department id
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - practitioner:department urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:subject:facility-name 2.0 HL7 v2.5 II Requestor's department name
claim - urn:no:ehelse:saml:1.0:subject:Scope 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Defined scope
new saml_claim xua-scope urn:nhn:saml:2.0:ext:scope 2.1 HL7 v2.5 ST Defined scope
claim amr urn:no:ehelse:saml:1.0:subject:Authentication_method 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Authentication method
claim client_id urn:no:ehelse:saml:1.0:subject:client_id 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's unique identifier of client system
claim helseid://claims/identity/security_level urn:no:ehelse:saml:1.0:subject:SecurityLevel 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Authenticated security level
saml_claim homeCommunityId urn:no:ehelse:saml:1.0:subject:homeCommunityId 1.0 HL7 v2.5 ST HomeCommunity ID (IHE)
saml_claim homeCommunityId urn:ihe:iti:xca:2010:homeCommunityId 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST HomeCommunity ID (IHE)
saml_claim - urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:resource:resource-id 1.0 HL7 v2.5 CX Identifier of requested resource
saml_claim resource:resource-id urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id 2.0 HL7 v2.5 CX Identifier of requested resource
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - patient:point_of_care urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:resource:child-organization 2.0 HL7 v3 II Health provider organization details where resource can be found (HL7v3)
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - patient:point_of_care urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:resource:child-organization-name 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Health provider organization name where resource can be found
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - patient:department urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:resource:facility 2.0 HL7 v3 II Department's identifier in an health provider organization name where resource can be found
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - patient:department urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:resource:facility-name 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Department's name in an health provider organization name where resource can be found
saml_claim xua-acp urn:ihe:iti:xua:2012:acp 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Privacy consent type
saml_claim bppc-docid urn:ihe:iti:bppc:2007:docid 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Privacy consent reference
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - care_relationship:purpose_of_use:healthcare_service urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:care-relationship:healthcare-service 2.0 Requestor's specification of treatment
claim_assertion purpose_of_use urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:purposeOfUse 1.0 HL7 v3 CE Purpose of use
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - care_relationship:purpose_of_use urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:action:purpose 2.0 HL7 v3 CE Purpose of use
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - care_relationship:purpose_of_use_details urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:care-relationship:purpose-of-use-details 2.0 HL7 v3 CE Requestor's specification for background of treatment
claim_assertion nhn:tillitsrammeverk:parameters - care_relationship:decision_ref urn:nhn:trust-framework:1.0:ext:care-relationship:decision-ref 2.0 HL7 v2.5 ST Requestor's identifier for background decision