
This page describes the terms and concepts used in CPPA

Concept Description
Adresseregisteret (AR) A Grunndata service for managing communication parties and their methods of communication
Agreement (CPA) CollaborationProtocolAgreement is an agreement between two CPPs on which types of communication they can use to communicate with each other
AgreementSummary A summary of all Agrements that a communication party is a part of
Communication party An entity in Adresseregisteret (AR) that has a herId. It can be a person or a service
HerId The unique identifier (integer) given to all communication parties in AR
Person A type of communication party representing an organization person tied to an organization unit
Process The building blocks of a Profile. A process is a type of communication that a communication party can use
Profile (CPP) CollaborationProtocolProfile is a profile for a specific communication party that describes which types of communication it supports
Service A type of communication party representing a service provided by an organization unit