Self service and terms of use

On this page you will find information about HelseID Selvbetjening (self-service) and the terms of use for HelseID.

HelseID Selvbetjening (self service portal)

In the selv service portal you can create APIs, client configurations and client systems*. 

To create APIs and client systems you as a supplier need to start in the test environment. When you are happy with and done testing your implementation you can promote it from the test environment to production environment. The selv service portal will help you with this process. Before your software is available in production you need to go through a code review, you can read more about the code review lower on this page. 

HelseID Selvbetjening offers an API that makes it easier for suppliers to give a pleasant onboarding experience for their customers. Read more about onboarding in our onboarding guide. You can also find a link to our API-documentation on the bottom of this page. 


*Client systems is a contept that only exist in HelseID Selvbetjening. Client systems can be seen as a template that you can create client configurations from. The concept was developed to target suppliers of thick clients. 

Access to the test environment

To gain access to the test environment for HelseID, you must log in to the test environment for HelseID Selvbetjening (self-service).

If you encounter problems during the development process, we recommend that you contact us on our Slack channel. Send an e-mail to, and ask for access to the channel #ext-helseid.

The Test token service (Test-token-tjenesten)

If you wish to test an API, you can use the HelseID Test-token-tjeneste in order to get tokens for testing.

Access to the production environment

In order for you to use your software against the HelseID production environment, the following steps must be followed:

  • Your company must be an approved third-party supplier for NHN
  • Your company must have signed the terms of use for HelseID
  • You must have set up access to HelseID Selvbetjening (self-service) in production (see below)
  • Your software must have been approved for use against HelseID with a code review (see below)

Terms of use for HelseID

Signing the terms of use for HelseID gives your company a set of responsibilities and tasks, including:

  • responsibility for information security
  • responsibility for testing and approval
  • notification of incidents and incident handling
  • use of crisis and emergency plans
  • stay up-to-date on changes to HelseID's security profile and introduce relevant changes to the software

HelseID Selvbetjening (self-service) in production

In order to create a client or API configuration in HelseID, you must have gained access to the production environment for HelseID Selvbetjening. Third-party suppliers who want to develop a HelseID client, must log in at the test environment for HelseID Selvetjening.

Code review

Before you can go into production with your software, you must have passed a code review. In such a review, someone from the HelseID team goes through the relevant code and confirms that it has been made in accordance with the requirements of the Security Profile of HelseID.