
This object represents a specific role on a specific version of a process, and includes information about which messages can be sent and received.

Object structure

    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "service": "string",
    "canSend": [
        // Message
    "canReceive": [
        // Message
    "uuid": "3aec4a47-f6ba-4b72-9c61-062e18c1985c",
    "version": "1.0",
    "role": "Helsepersonell"

Noteworthy properties:

  • name of the Process
  • service the name of the service in the service binding
  • canReceive and canSend hold arrays of the types of messages that the communication party can receive and send respectively
  • uuid, version and role make up the ProcessDefinition