Addresses in Persontjenesten
This is an overview of the addresses in Persontjenesten, and their different properties.
The corresponding Norwegian names from the National Population Registry (Folkeregisteret) are noted in the paragraphs.
The full information model for Persontjenesten can be found here.
Address Types
Persontjensten has 5 different types of addresses, where 3 are addresses where a person lives, and 2 are Postal addresses:
- Residential address (Bostedsadresse)
- Present address (Oppholdsadresse)
- Shared residence (Delt bosted for barn)
- Postal address (Postadresse)
- Foreign postal address (Postadresse i utlandet)
Below you'll find further descriptions for all of the address types
Residential address
A residential address is a persons primary residence. To have a residential address, a person must have the personStatus Resident
. Every person that has this personStatus should have a residential address.
Available address formats
- Street address
- Cadastral address
- Unknown residence
Present address
A present address is the address where a person currently lives, if they're not currently residing at their Residential address. Since only persons with personStatus Resident
can have a Residential address, this will also be the primary residence for people that aren't a Resident
(for example people with D-Numbers). This address is also used when a person resides in another country.
Available address formats
- Street address
- Cadastral address
- Foreign address
Shared residence
Shared residence is an address type used when a child with seperated parents, lives with both of them. This address will be the same address as one of the parent's residential address, while the residential address of the child will match the residential address of the other parent.
This address also includes some additional information about when the shared residence contract is valid, with the information elements ContractValidFrom
and ContractValidTo
Available address formats
- Street address
- Cadastral address
- Unknown residence
Postal address
A postal address is the address which a person prefers to have post delivered to. This could be a street address, post box or a free-format address.
Available address formats
- Street address
- Post box address
- Free form postal address
Foreign postal address
Postal address for persons residing in another country.
Available address formats
- Foreign address
- Free form foreign address
Address formats
Here are examples and descriptions of the different address formats.
An address can only contain 1 of these formats at a time. To see which address types use which formats, look at the chapter above.
Street address (Vegadresse)
This is the most common address type, and as the name suggests contains an address with street name, house number and letter, + more.
"streetAddress": {
"separatelyOccupiedUnitNumber": "H0101",
"separatelyOccupiedUnitType": "Housing",
"addressName": "Olav Nilssons gate",
"addressNumber": {
"houseNumber": "31",
"houseLetter": null
"addressCode": "1756",
"addressAdditionalName": null,
"city": {
"cityName": "STAVANGER",
"postalCode": "4009"
"coAddressName": null,
"municipalityNumber": "1103",
"municipalityName": "Stavanger",
"countyNumber": "11",
"countyName": "Rogaland"
Cadastral address (Matrikkeladresse)
Cadastral addresses are addresses that have not yet recieved a street address from the norwegian mapping authority (Kartverket) These addresses have 3 numbers that define the address within a municipality:
- municipalityLandNumber (Gårdsnummer)
- titleNumber (Bruksnummer)
- leaseholdNumber (Festenummer)
"cadastralAddress": {
"separatelyOccupiedUnitNumber": "0",
"separatelyOccupiedUnitType": null,
"cadastralNumber": {
"municipalityLandNumber": 22,
"titleNumber": 1,
"leaseholdNumber": 0,
"municipalityNumber": "3201",
"municipalityName": "Bærum",
"countyNumber": "32",
"countyName": "Akershus"
"subNumber": 1,
"addressAdditionalName": null,
"city": {
"cityName": "BEKKESTUA",
"postalCode": "1356"
"coAddressName": null
Foreign address (Utenlandsk adresse)
Foreign addresses are used when a person resides in a different country, and contains, among other details, the country code where the person lives.
"foreignAddress": {
"coAddressName": null,
"addressName": "Testadressenavn 174",
"building": "Testbygning 75",
"floorNumber": null,
"housingUnit": null,
"postBox": null,
"postCode": "Testpostkode utland 189",
"cityOrPlaceName": "Fast testby- eller stedsnavn",
"districtName": "Testdistrikt 209",
"region": "Testregion 42",
"countryCode": "VN"
Unknown residence (Ukjent bosted)
The unknown residence element is used when the address of a person is not known.
"unknownResidence": {
"municipalityNumber": "0301",
"municipalityName": "Oslo",
"countyNumber": "03",
"countyName": "Oslo"
Post box address (Postboksadresse)
A post box address is used to locate postboxes, used in postal addresses. The location and ownership of the postbox is included here.
"postBoxAddress": {
"postBoxOwner": null,
"postBoxIdentification": "Test 15",
"city": {
"cityName": "VESTRE SANDØYA",
"postalCode": "4915"
Free form postal address (Postadresse i fritt format)
Free form postal addresses are addresses which don't have a specific format, and rather has a list of "address lines" where the address is stored.
"freeFormPostalAddress": {
"addressLine": [
"2270 FLISA",
"city": null
Free form foreign address (Internasjonal adresse i fritt format)
The same as free form postal address, but is used when someone resides in another country, and contains extra info like country code.
"freeFormForeignAddress": {
"addressLine": [
"Testadresselinje 1"
"postCode": "Testpostkode utland 183",
"cityOrPlaceName": "Farlig testby- eller stedsnavn",
"countryCode": "BB"
Address Confidentiality
Persontjenesten has 4 levels of confidentiality:
- Unclassified (Ugradert)
- Client Address (Klientadresse)
- Confidential (Fortrolig)
- Strictly Confidential (Strengt fortrolig)
Below you can find further descriptions of the different confidentiality levels
Unclassified is the default confidentiality level. Unclassified addresses does not require any special consideration or processing.
If a person doesn't have a defined address confidentiality it defaults to unclassified.
Client Address
A client address is a confidentiality level used to protect person which have addresses that could reveal personal information. An example of this is if a person resides at an institution like a prison, mental health institution that can reveal personal or medical dataabout them.
This confidentiality type is valid on a per-address basis, meaning a person can for example have an unclassified residential address and a client address present address
A client address is otherwise the same as an unclassified address:
"residentialAddress": [
"streetAddress": {
"separatelyOccupiedUnitNumber": "H0101",
"separatelyOccupiedUnitType": "Housing",
"addressName": "Øverbyvegen",
"addressNumber": {
"houseNumber": "88",
"houseLetter": null
"addressCode": "05160",
"addressAdditionalName": null,
"city": {
"cityName": "GJØVIK",
"postalCode": "2819"
"coAddressName": null,
"municipalityNumber": "3407",
"municipalityName": "Gjøvik",
"countyNumber": "34",
"countyName": "Innlandet"
"cadastralAddress": null,
"unknownResidence": null,
"cadastralIdentifier": "48684610",
"closeCadastralIdentifier": null,
"addressConfidentiality": "ClientAddress",
"moveDate": "2022-09-05T00:00:00Z",
"basicStatisticalUnit": 602,
"fullBasicStatisticalUnitNumber": "34070602",
"basicStatisticalUnitName": "Øverby",
"constituency": 4,
"schoolDistrict": 5,
"churchDistrict": 2,
"urbanDistrictCode": null,
"urbanDistrictName": null,
"geographicalUrbanDistrictCode": null,
"geographicalUrbanDistrictName": null,
"registeredAt": "2023-03-31T17:42:10.330251Z",
"isValid": true,
"source": "Matrikkelen",
"reason": "Adresseoppdatering",
"validFrom": "2022-09-04T22:00:00Z",
"validTo": null
Confidential addresses are addresses which should not be available to private persons or businesses. Only public institutions have access to this.
Confidential addresses are valid on a per-person basis, meaning if a person has a confidential address, all of their other addresses are also confidential. This will also be visible in the AddressProtection-element:
"addressProtection": [
"protectionLevel": "Confidential",
"registeredAt": "2022-12-27T07:01:12.10418Z",
"isValid": true,
"source": "Synutopia",
"reason": "Adressebeskyttelse",
"validFrom": "2022-12-26T23:00:00Z",
"validTo": null
For now, confidential addresses are not available in Persontjenesten. If a person has a confidential address, it will look like this:
"residentialAddress": [
"streetAddress": {
"separatelyOccupiedUnitNumber": null,
"separatelyOccupiedUnitType": null,
"addressName": "FORTROLIG ADRESSE",
"addressNumber": null,
"addressCode": null,
"addressAdditionalName": null,
"city": null,
"coAddressName": null,
"municipalityNumber": "0000",
"municipalityName": null,
"countyNumber": null,
"countyName": null
"cadastralAddress": null,
"unknownResidence": null,
"cadastralIdentifier": null,
"closeCadastralIdentifier": null,
"addressConfidentiality": "Confidential",
"moveDate": "2022-12-27T00:00:00Z",
"basicStatisticalUnit": null,
"fullBasicStatisticalUnitNumber": null,
"basicStatisticalUnitName": null,
"constituency": null,
"schoolDistrict": null,
"churchDistrict": null,
"urbanDistrictCode": null,
"urbanDistrictName": null,
"geographicalUrbanDistrictCode": null,
"geographicalUrbanDistrictName": null,
"registeredAt": "2022-12-27T07:01:12.598443Z",
"isValid": true,
"source": "Synutopia",
"reason": "Flytting innenlands",
"validFrom": "2022-12-26T23:00:00Z",
"validTo": null
Confidential addresses will be available in V3 of Persontjensten - coming later this year.
Strictly Confidential
Strictly Confidential addresses are only avilable to Kripos, and are therefore not in Persontjenesten.
Persons with a Strictly Confidential address will usually have an unclassified PostalAddress with a refrence to a postbox administered by Kripos, which can be used to contact the person.
Example address protection element:
"addressProtection": [
"protectionLevel": "StrictlyConfidential",
"registeredAt": "2022-01-28T08:31:53.359424Z",
"isValid": true,
"source": "Synutopia",
"reason": "Adressebeskyttelse",
"validFrom": "2022-01-28T08:31:53.109305Z",
"validTo": null
Example Postal Address (Notice the postBoxOwner and addressConfidentiality):
"postalAddress": [
"addressConfidentiality": "Unclassified",
"postBoxAddress": {
"postBoxOwner": "SOT 6",
"postBoxIdentification": "Postboks 2094 Vika",
"city": {
"cityName": "OSLO",
"postalCode": "0125"
"streetAddress": null,
"freeFormPostalAddress": null,
"cadastralIdentifier": null,
"registeredAt": "2023-05-03T12:40:26.8760394Z",
"isValid": true,
"source": "Synutopia",
"reason": "Adressebeskyttelse",
"validFrom": "2022-01-28T08:31:53.109305Z",
"validTo": null