Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query (IHE ITI-83)

1 Background

Current implementation is based on IHE PIXm v3.0.4 (trial implementation of IHE PIXm) which is based in FHIR R4. This is an initial implementation of API-service providing option to search withing all registered patients in NHN's PIX and retrieve set of all available identifiers attached to one patient.

term PIX ⇒ Patient Identifier Cross-referencing

This service is a RESTful implementation of IHE ITI-45 message "Patient Registry Get Identifiers Query" (

2 API-scope

There is currently no prerequisity for usage of API-scope to use this service

3 Endpoint

IHE defines service as:


NHNs implementation supports:


where sourceIdentifier is sendt as 'x-www-form-urlencoded' POST-variable

As there are patient's norwegian identifiers involved NHN recomend to use POST-method instead of GET-method. National identifiers should be handled with care.

4 Messages

Messages follow IHE-spesification as described on

4.1 Message request

Request is using '$ihe-pix' operation in Patient-resource.

Parameter Cardinality Type Description Example
sourceIdentifier [1..1] token patientIdentifier for patient to be found urn:oid:2.16.518.|14012154787
targetSystem [0..*] uri Filter for assigning authorities for the patient identifier domains GPI PIX Test: 2.16.578.
_format [0..1] token requested format of mime-type application/fhir+json [default]

4.2 Message response

If successful [HTTP-200] than message response contains list of known assigning authorities for spesified patient.

HTTP Status Description
HTTP-200 Ok Successfully processed and response follows
HTTP-400 Bad Request Something was not registered properly
HTTP-404 Not Found Patient not found
HTTP-401 Unauthorized There is something wrong with JWT-token
HTTP-500 Internal server error Something technical went really wrong here [token exchange, internal XDS communication etc.]

5 Validation of existing messages

Norsk helsenett used IHE Gazelle Validation tool under development of our services and messages has been validated by using following tool: