In order to be authorized to use the service the client must first be authenticated using HelseID or Helsenorge.
In the testing environment, we can provide a temporary access token if you have not yet implemented HelseID or are testing requests using tools like Postman.
A DPoP token from HelseID is required for authorization of organization and health care personell. Bearer tokens will not be allowed.
Note that the EPJ system must provide the org. nr. of the actual work place (point of care) of the health care personell when requesting the access token. This will make sure that the request is connected to the correct organization.
The client must do a token refresh/exchange with HelseID to set correct audience and scope for this service.
Claim | Description |
scope | List containing "nhn:maternity-record/api". |
aud | nhn:maternity-record |
helseid://claims/client/claims/orgnr_parent | Org. nr. at the top level (legal entity). Required for all. |
helseid://claims/client/claims/orgnr_child | Org. nr. at the lower level (point of care). Required for all. |
Claims documentation for HelseID can be found here.
Documentation to set single audience can be found here
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization: DPoP |
HelseID DPoP access token. | Yes |
DPoP | DPoP proof. | Yes |
nhn-user-role | Role of the logged in user (see below). | Yes |
nhn-source-system | Name and version of the EPJ system, 3-512 characters. | Yes |
nhn-patient-nin | Patient national identification number (fnr/dnr). Must be a valid nin from folkeregisteret/persontjenesten. | Yes |
nhn-event-id | UUID or other id used to trace the request, max 128 characters. | No |
content-type | Required for requests with body (POST/PUT). | Yes |
Information about the role of the logged-in user. Must be a valid JSON data structure. We require that the content of the header is always URL encoded to make sure all types of characters are transmitted correctly to the server.
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
"code": "LE"
The content of the "system" field is the coding system (kodeverk) for the type of role the user got.
System | Description |
urn:oid:2.16.578. | Volven coding system for HPR role. Used by EPJs. |
The content of the "code" field is the role of the user. For HPR all roles must be according to Volven kodeverk 9060. Example HPR roles:
Code | Description |
LE | Lege |
SP | Sykepleier |
JO | Jordmor |
The name and version of the EPJ system, 3-512 characters. If the name contains Norwegian characters then the header content should be URL encoded to make sure all types of characters are transmitted correctly to the server.
Machine to machine token
A HelseID machine to machine token is a regular HelseID access token, but it does not contain the user pid claim or any other user data.
The main use case is to request certain endpoints without requiring the user to log into the EPJ or HelseID first. Whether to use it or not is up to the EPJ based on how the API is used.
The token must contain the following claims when HelseID machine to machine authorization:
Claim | Description |
scope | List containing "nhn:maternity-record/api". |
aud | nhn:maternity-record |
helseid://claims/client/claims/orgnr_parent | Org. nr. at the top level (legal entity). Required for all. |
helseid://claims/client/claims/orgnr_child | Org. nr. at the lower level (point of care). Required for all. |
Note that a machine to machine token must not contain the claim "helseid://claims/identity/pid". If so you will get an error.
Only the headers "nhn-patient-nin" and "nhn-source-system" are required for machine to machine tokens. The "content-type" header must also be set depending on the HTTP method used (see above).
Machine to machine authorization is used for the /status endpoint.
For an inhabitant an Helsenorge access token is required.
Read about inhabitant authentication - Helsenorge as OpenID Connect provider here.
Overview claims for Helsenorge is found here.
Claim | Description | Required |
scp | Comma separated list which contains "digitalthelsekortgravide". | Yes |
sub | See Helsenorge documentation. | Yes |
act_sub | See Helsenorge documentation. | Yes |
act_type | See Helsenorge documentation. | Yes |
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization: Bearer |
Helsenorge token. | Yes |
nhn-event-id | UUID or other id used to trace the request, max 128 characters. | No |
Error codes authorization
We're sending all error codes related to authorization in the response header nhn-error-code
. These error codes has prefix "AUTH".
Error code | Cause |
AUTH-0001 | Invalid token signature. |
AUTH-0002 | Invalid token claim. |
AUTH-0003 | Invalid http header. |
AUTH-0004 | Invalid Helsenorge "grunnlag". |
AUTH-0005 | Internal technical error. |
AUTH-0007 | Error in Helsepersonellregisteret (HPR). |
AUTH-0008 | Error when reading public key. |
AUTH-0009 | Internal communication error. |
AUTH-0010 | Security related error, e.g. malicious content detected. |
AUTH-0011 | DPoP proof error. |
AUTH-0012 | The user does not have a valid HPR authorization. |
AUTH-0013 | Token has incorrect security level. |