To test that an API-integration works, we are temporarily exposing an endpoint on the uri "/dhg". This endpoint requires a valid HelseID-token, and that the required authorization headers are given (see Authorization).
The full URL for this endpoint is (for the internett DNS):
This endpoint will return a hardcoded JSON with the following data:
"metadata": {
"version": 1,
"lastUpdated": "2023-11-07T09:21:58.573Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": {
"orgNr": 10363,
"orgNrDisplay": "Test-organisasjon",
"hprNr": 123,
"hprRole": "LE",
"name": "Ola Nordmann"
"mother": {
"name": "Mamma",
"nin": "01010112345",
"address": "Gate Gatesen 12",
"residentialAddress": "Gate Gatesen 12",
"maritalStatus": "Gift",
"highestEducation": 4,
"employedLast6Months": true,
"employmentPercentage": 100,
"occupationAndIndustryCode": [
"list of job-codes",
"Kodeverk 8646"
"occupationAndIndustry": "free text string",
"language": "Kodeverk 3303 Språk"
"coParent": {
"name": "Navn Navnesen",
"nin": "01010112345",
"occupationAndIndustryCode": [
"list of job-codes",
"Kodeverk 8646"
"occupationAndIndustry": "free text string",
"language": "Kodeverk 3303 Språk"
"currentPregnancy": {
"lastMenstruationDate": "2024-03-01",
"lastMenstruationDateConfirmed": true,
"dueDate": "2024-12-01",
"dueDateLastCalculated": "2024-03-07T09:21:58.573Z"
"prenatalConsultations": [
"lastUpdated": "2024-06-07T09:21:58.573Z",
"fetusVitalSigns": [
"position": "Hodeleie",
"fetalHeartRatePerMin": 106,
"fetalMovementFelt": true,
"notes": "string"