
The history endpoints returns metadata about information about previous maternity records.

URL Method Description
/history GET Get all maternity record status' for a patient (any current and for previous pregnancies)

Curl example: Request status for patient

curl --location --request GET 'https://test.maternity-record.hit.nhn.no/api/maternity-record/v1/history' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI......<HelseId machine token>' \
--header 'nhn-source-system: My EPJ system name' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'nhn-access-basis: SAMTYKKE' \
--header 'nhn-source-system: My EPJ system name' \
--header 'nhn-patient-nin: 10086055555' 


  "history": [
      "recordId": "d835038a-fece-4130-8de8-69d2901cf03e",
      "recordStatus": {
        "status": "TERMINATED",
        "terminationDate": "2025-01-15T23:10:59.600"
      "version": 2,
      "lastUpdated": "2025-01-16T23:30:26.927",
      "lastUpdatedBy": {
        "userType": "HEALTH_CARE_PROFESSIONAL",
        "orgNr": "99857032804120076480",
        "orgName": "Munkholmen Legesenter",
        "hprNr": "222200063",
        "hprRole": "LE",
        "name": "Lillehagen, Rolf Fos"
      "recordId": "3e15f63c-78fd-471e-93f5-914ec0ef5ef4",
      "recordStatus": {
        "status": "ACTIVE"
      "version": 1,
      "lastUpdated": "2025-01-16T23:32:10.054",
      "lastUpdatedBy": {
        "userType": "HEALTH_CARE_PROFESSIONAL",
        "orgNr": "99857032804120076480",
        "orgName": "Munkholmen Legesenter",
        "hprNr": "222200063",
        "hprRole": "LE",
        "name": "Lillehagen, Rolf Fos"
Field Type Required Description
hasGivenConsent Boolean x The patient has given her consent to participate in the trial to share maternity record information
hasActiveMaternityRecord Boolean x The patient has a registered maternity record with status active
lastChangedDateTime Timestamp Timestamp when the maternity record information was last changed for this patient (if one exists)
latestRecordId String UUID in String format which is the ID of the latest maternity record belonging to the patient (if one exists)
deceased Boolean x Whether the patient is deceased or not
hasConfidentialAddress Boolean x Whether the patient has a confidential address or not